Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
12. February 2024  |   18:00:00

Gerhard Loibelsberger


Reinhard Federmann
Born in Vienna in 1923, died there in 1976. He was a freelance writer and journalist, member of Group 47, author of numerous novels, radio plays and short stories, editor of the cultural magazine "Die Pestsäule". His works published by Picus Verlag include "Das Himmelreich der Lügner", "Chronik einer Nacht" and the novels "Internationale Zone" and "Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind ...", which he co-wrote with Milo Dor.

Das Himmelreich der Lügner
In Vienna on the evening of 12 February 1934, after the outbreak of the civil war, which was decided within a very short time, five friends and social democrats set out to defend a world that no longer exists and to oppose the "new order of Europe". One of them, Bruno Schindler, flees to the Soviet Union and returns in 1945. To a city in which he felt alien, homeless and hopeless

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