Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
15. May 2023  |   18:00:00

Barbara Frischmuth


Barbara Frischmuth
Barbara Frischmuth, born in Altaussee in 1941, studied Turkish, Hungarian and Oriental studies and has been a freelance writer ever since. The author, who has won several awards, has been living in Altaussee again for several years. Among her greatest successes are the novels "The Mystifications of Sophie Silber" and "Kai and the Love of Models". Her most recent publications are "Nature and the Attempts to Approach it with Language" (2021) and "Shovel, Rake, Garden Shears" in the series "Things of Life" (2023).

Shovel, rake, secateurs
With rake, shovel, secateurs and some other often quite simple tools developed over the millennia, we work soil and plants, digging, cutting, planting, arranging, distributing and harvesting. Full of gratitude, Barbara Frischmuth talks about what her hands need in the garden. For the passionate gardener, the story of the garden tools is the story of our relationship with nature and everything that lives in it.


Photo: © Monika Löff

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