Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
23. August 2023  |   18:00:00

Karin Peschka


Karin Peschka
Karin Peschka, born in 1967, grew up in her parents' inn in Eferding, Upper Austria. She worked with alcoholics and unemployed young people, among others. Self-employed as an author since 2015. Her new novel takes a quiet look at those fields, forests and small towns that shaped her childhood. Previously published: Watschenmann (novel, 2014), FanniPold (novel, 2016), Autolyse Wien (stories, 2017), Putzt euch, tanzt, lacht (novel, 2020).

A half-naked stranger dances between the graves of the Eferding parish cemetery. Years later, having grown old, he sits at the regulars' table in the Gasthof Zum roten Krebs. The stranger is stuck with the strange, the odd. Every now and then, the ten-year-old daughter of the innkeeper offers him a beer. With "Dschomba", Karin Peschka writes about the past of the place where she grew up and also tells of what it is like to be the innkeeper's daughter.


(C) Photo: Chris Zvitkovits

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