Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
11. October 2023  |   18:00:00

Ernst Strouhal


Ernst Strouhal
Ernst Strouhal was born in 1957. He is a professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna as well as an author and publicist. He received the Austrian State Prize for Cultural Journalism in 2010 and has collaborated on exhibitions. Among others, on "A Song of Reason" (Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna 1996) and "Games of the City" (Wien Museum 2011). In his book "Vier Schwestern - Fernes Wien, fremde Welt" (Four Sisters - Faraway Vienna, Foreign World) he tells a great Viennese family story of the 20th century.


Vier Schwestern - Fernes Wien, fremde Welt
Gerda, Friedl, Ilse and Susanne were the daughters of "Benedikt's son" and granddaughters of Moriz Benedikt, the famous publisher of the powerful "Neue Freie Presse", against which Karl Kraus polemicised fiercely. The Anschluss put an end to their privileged existence, but the four sisters managed to escape from the Nazis. Scattered in all directions, they remained connected to each other through emigration, war and the aftermath of the war. Ernst Strouhal tells of a piece of irretrievable Viennese culture.


(C) photo: Margret Weber-Unger

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