Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
15. November 2023  |   18:00:00

Gerhard Loibelsberger


Gerhard Loibelsberger
In 2009 Gerhard Loibelsberger started a series of historical crime novels around Joseph Maria Nechyba with the "Naschmarkt Murders". 2016 golden HOMER literature award for: "The Executioner of Vienna". 2011 and 2017: the Italian thrillers "Quadriga" and "In the Name of the Godfather". 2018: "Schönbrunner Finale", the last novel in the six-part Nechyba series. 2019: "Morphine, Mocha, Murder Stories". 2020: the historical novel "All the Money in the World". 2021: the dystopian thriller "Micky Cola" and "Alt Wiener Küche".

Joseph Maria Nechyba enjoys his well-deserved retirement. But what increasingly worries the retired ministerial councillor and former chief inspector of the Imperial and Royal Police Agent Institute is the political development: Austria is ruled in an authoritarian manner under Chancellor Dollfuß due to the War Economy Enabling Act of 1917. In Germany, Hitler is Chancellor of the Reich. The National Socialist terror sets in with all its might and spills over more and more violently into Austria. Hatred, intolerance, slander and irreconcilability create a climate of disruption.


(C) Photo: Walter Pobaschnig

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