Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
27. November 2023  |   18:00:00

Berndt Querfeld


What are the most exciting stories from 150 years of Landtmann history? Why is the Melange the classic among Viennese coffees? Which prominent guests regularly honour the coffee house? On Monday, 27 November at 6 pm, cafetier Berndt Querfeld will read from the magnificent book "Café Landtmann. Where Vienna is at home" at the Café Museum, tells the best, funniest and most curious anecdotes from the coffee house and reveals one or two secrets from 150 years of Café Landtmann history.

"Café Landtmann. Where Vienna is at home"

For 150 years, they have been going to Café Landtmann - morning newspaper readers and lovers of croissant culture. After an evening at the theatre, they enjoy an Achterl and a small goulash.


To mark the anniversary of the traditional coffee house, the splendid book "Café Landtmann. Where Vienna is at home" has been published. With marvellous articles and unique pictures, the book invites you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and special features of the café then and now. It explores why long-standing regulars such as Mavie Hörbiger and Roland Girtler make the Landtmann their second living room, the passionate waiter tradition, the typically Viennese dishes and tells of all the encounters that find a stage here every day. Every day they prove anew the Landtmann's recipe for success: lingering can be so lively!

Please note: Berndt Querfeld will read from the German version of the book.

Tisch reservieren

+43 1 24 100-620  or simply by email  museum@cafe-wien.at